24 May, 2018

Critique Presentations

Next week (31/05) will be our last studio together and each of you will be presenting your scheme to two guest architects, Reg Lark Architect and Peter Couvaras of Couvaras Architects. Here is an example of each of their work;
Arthur + Yvonne Boyd Education Centre by Reg Lark Architect (with Glenn Murcutt)

Mitchell + Fountain by Couvaras Architects

You will be presenting your draft scheme by means of your blog, I suggest you make one post titled "Draft Presentation" which includes at least one image from one of the earlier tasks (ie. sketches, movement animations or textures), an image to describe the overall concept and then a few images of the draft environment either in Sketchup or in Lumion. Each of you will present for about 3-5 minutes followed by some feedback from myself, Reg and Peter. The aim of this feedback is to give you some guidance as you finalise your scheme over the following three weeks.

To assist you in having an idea of what we would expect to see from your draft presentation, here is a few examples, all from my studio group last year when they did their critique presentations;