A couple of pointers to keep in mind for your sections;
SECTION:No matter how beautiful your drawings are, if you are not focusing on the idea of exploring a section, you're heading down the wrong path, keep on track and keep it to sections [for now at least]. Think about how a section allows you to better understand the relationship of spaces that might not be understood without a section. Have a think about the Pantheon in Rome... for all it's beauty, this is a space that cannot be truly understood without a section.
DATUM (above ground or below?):An area where many were heading off track was by drawing "objects" - an object does not have a relationship with a datum (if datum is a difficult concept for you, think of the surface of the ground as being a datum, however a datum is not restricted to being the ground line). Each of your sketch sections should have a distinct below ground space and a distinct above ground space. How your sketch interacts with the datum is up to you... are you entirely above, or entirely below, or are you exploring the relationship both above and below at the same time?
An easy way to judge if you've heading off track:- look at your drawings, could you easily switch the sketch at the bottom with the sketch at the top with little consequence? A below ground space should only belong at the bottom of the page, if not, you're probably still drawing objects!
ABSTRACT YOUR IDEAS:Remember, we're not looking for you to draw a literal interpretation of each of your chosen words. You should try to tap into the essence of the word or the idea of the word. I don't need to be able to identify what your word was just by looking at the sketch, but once I know the word, it should suit the sketch drawn. Sharp lines for an aggressive adjective and soft, gentle curves for a gentle adjective are easy ones, but try to explore the grey are between these extremes.
If you find this part difficult, try breaking your word down - what does this word actually mean? What are its synonyms? What feelings or emotions does this word evoke? What sort of lines would I draw if I was feeling that emotion?
Emilio Ambasz - Casa de Retiro Espiritual
Tonkin Zulaikha Greer - Paddington Reservoir Gardens, Sydney
Tadao Ando - Chichu Art Museum, Naoshima